Friday, 22 June 2012


Brody: the graphic language of Neville Brody
Universe, 2001
0789306530, 9780789306531

Peter Blake: a retrospective
Tate Publishing, 2007
1854377175, 9781854377173

Made with FontFont: Type for Independent Minds
BIS, 2009

website address:
9063691297, 9789063691295

Date:              15.04.12

Gallery name:     Liverpool Tate gallery
Exhibition:       Alice In Wonderland
Date:              November 2011

Trek: David Carson, recent work
Gingko Press, 2003
1584230460, 9781584230465

Date:              07.06.12


Now that I have completed my final major project I have had opportunity to look back at my original intentions and evaluate the work I have done to see what worked well and what I could have done better. I am extremely happy with the final outcome of this project and feel that I have stuck to the brief that I set myself in my proposal. Throughout this project I have come across many problems, one of the biggest problems I had was adapting my ideas to fit what was practical. I think my ideas were very ambitious for this project and required skills that at the start of the project I didn't have. However I believe I was quite successful in overcoming these problems without compromising my ideas and with the help of my tutors,I was able to develop the necessary skills.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Exhibition Opening

Last night was the opening of the exhibition and I think the whole night was extremely successful. It was really suprising to see how professional it all looked when everything was up and finished. I was really impressed with the standard of work that was exhibited by everyone on my course and I believe that the poeple visiting it would feel the same. There was a lot of paintings in the exhibition and although they were all excellent, I was really glad that I chose to do something a bit different. I was happy to see people looking in detail at my images and to see them standing and watching the whole of my film. I really enjoyed the whole proccess of producing this exhibition and I think that all the hard work that went into making it look as good as it did definitly paid off and the exhibition looked brillient.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Putting my work into my space

Today I have been putting guy work up in my allocated space ready for the exhibition opening on Wednesday. I want to showcase my work to the best of my ability and try to get it looking as good as I possibly can. I want my canvas images to stand out from the wall a bit and so to achieve this I first of all tried attaching foam board to the back of it but this didn't work as the foam board wouldn't stick to the canvas. After some deliberation I decided have four long wooden beams nailed to the wall and then I nailed my images to that beam using big bronze nails. This was really affective and I feel that using the big nails really added to the whole effect. I was them able to put in my mac and put the finishing touches to my exhibition. I am very happy with the way my exhibition has turned out and am very proud of what I have produced.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Exhibition Space

This week we have been painting and putting cup the boards for the exhibition and today I was given my exhibition space. I have been given two boards, one has a square hole in the wall for an apple mac to be put in for my film to be shown on and the other is for me to fill with my canvas images. I am happy with this space and feel I will be able to showcase my work very well in it.

Creating my film

Today I have successfully created my film. I had a few difficulties at first as I had originally planned to project my images onto the wall and film the projection, however I found that when i projected the images they did not look like the old fashioned projections that I wanted them too. This meant that I had to figure out how to make them look like these old projections using iMovie. I imported my images onto it and played around with the lighting and dust and scratch as well as many other things until I got the film looking the way I wanted it to. I am extremely happy with the finished product and although it is something very different to what I have done in the past I think it has been very successful and I am glad I decided to try something different.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

presentation of images success

I have come up with a way to get the images onto canvas without getting them printed. I have used image transfer in some of my experimentation and it was really successful so I have tried out this method with some of my photographs. I really like the outcome and I think that this technique give a really nice effect as it makes the image seem old and warn and this fits in really well with the theme of my work. I have used gouache paint on the images I have transferred onto the canvas to create a bit of a blur and then collaged my text onto it. I am very happy with what I have achieved and look forward to making my film and seeing it all up in my exhibition.
This is the finished images for the first line of the poem.