Thursday, 10 May 2012

Liverpool Tate Gallery

Visiting the Liverpool Tate Gallery has really inspired me, especially the work I saw in the Alice In Wonderland exhibition. I found the mixture of modern and historical artwark in this exhibition extremely interesting and I was fascinated by the obscuity of a lot of the work.  I could not take any photographs in this exhibition so I made lots of notes of any pieces of work that particualarly interested me.

Here is a link to a video I found on youtube about the exhibition that I have watched to refresh my memory about what I had seen and make sence of some of the notes I had made.

Jason Rhoades
Touche from my Madinah: In Persuit of my Ermatage
This was the first thing that you saw as you walked into the exhibition and it was a very impressive start. It made a real impression on me as I was not only interested in the way the text was presented but the meaning behind it. It came from the idea of 'the meaning of language'. Each of the words are words which mean vagina. All together there are 1700 words although the exhibition only showed a fraction of these words. If you were to see these words in a different situation then you would not think they were a way of saying vagina, however when alltogether it changes there meaning. I think this is what he ment when he said 'When I say a word, it means  exactly what I want it to mean.

AA Bronson
Through the looking glass

I found this piece especially interesting as at first glance it just looks like 12 empty frames, however when you look very closely you can see very faint words just coming through. Each of the frames represents a different chapter from Alice in Wonderland. They are made of 66 pieces of transparent plastic stacked up on top of eachother which makes the words almost unreadable. I noted down a quote that was under this piece 'Everything changes once we pass through that mirror and into the reflected world, and yet everything remains the same, where are we now?' I believe that through this piece the artist was questioning the reality of the world we are living in and by using quotes from alice in wonderland that almost dont make sence adds to the isea that what we believe to be real could all be a lie.

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