Doing a foundation course has helped me to develop my ideas and
experiment with various methods that previously I have not been very confident
in using, such as photography, paint and print making. Throughout the year I
have been encouraged to work independently and allow my ideas to grow through
experimentation and research. By doing the self directed project I was able to
take my own ideas and use independent research to push them further. This year
I feel that my knowledge of other artists work has grown greatly and I think
that this knowledge will be very useful throughout my final major project.
Ideas and concepts
I have decided that in my unit 7 work, I am going to look at typography
and how type can be a thing of visual beauty as well as a way to narrate your
work. I want to explore the concept of ‘A-Z’. An obvious interpretation of this
would be the alphabet, which I intend to look closely at and experiment with
different ways to present the letters. I also want to explore the idea of the
A-Z being a journey and look at maps and typography in the environment.
Contextual Research
So far in this project my work has been influenced by Peter Blake and Jaume
Plensa, who’s work I think embodies the idea of text as an art form in itself.
I have also looked at artists such as Barbara Kruger and Mary Kelly. All of
these artists have influenced the decision to work with typography. In order to
push my research further, I intend to visit gallery’s such as the Liverpool
Tate gallery, where there is work by artists such as Liz Buckley and David
Kindersley, whose work I am particularly interested in.
Techniques and Presentation
I am going to experiment with a range of materials and methods throughout
my FMP, including photography, printmaking and collage. I want to explore
different ways of producing type through digital, hand crafted and rendered
techniques. I plan to look at text that I have found and experiment with layers
and different surfaces. For my final piece I intend to produce piece of
graphics that explores the concept of typography as an art form.
Evaluation and Progression
Throughout my FMP I will have regular one on one talks with my tutors
to reflect on what I have done, what has worked and what has not and what I can
do to continue. I will also use my blog to record any changes in my ideas and
why they have occurred, as well as any comments from peers or tutors. At the
end of my project I will assess the final outcome against my original
intentions and consider the reactions of other people for my final evaluation.